Multitudes is a political, cultural and artistic journal published quarterly.
Established in March, 2000, it is the backbone of a transnational editorial
collective that runs an electronic list-serve (Multitudes-Infos), places back
issues on line one year after publication, and edits one book serie through
Éditions Amsterdam (Multitudes-interventions).
For Multitudes, politics lies outside the walls of the institutions dedicated to
it, and knowledge is not enclosed in the depths of the academy. Its goal is to
experiment with new conditions of political enunciation and agency while
sketching out problematics that run across the fields of political eoconomy,
philosophy, artistic practice and the emergent cultures of cyber-freedom.
Multitudes re-interrogates a few authors of preference from the annals of French
philosophy (Foucault, Deleuze, Guattari, but also Tarde and Simondon), classical
philosophy (Machiavelli, Spinoza, Nietzsche and Marx), and Italian autonomism,
but also explores subaltern studies, minority studies, and gender and queer
studies. It takes up and enriches the debates opened by Hardt and Negri in
Empire and Multitude; it dialogues with Gorz, Sloterdijk, Rancière, Badiou,
Boltanski and Castel…
Multitudes takes interest in the analysis of all forms of domination, but it
also strives to detect the construction of new spaces of creation, liberty and
transformation in social movements (particularly those that are related to
part-time and precarious labor).
Multitudes aims to be a companion to social movements that work upon the present
by lending them an open ear and by bringing to them the echo of innovative
concepts in such a way as to build common points of reference and strengthen
the power and desire to intervene in both globalization and the formation of
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Articles les plus consultés
- Il faut défendre les invulnérables. Lecture critique de ce qu’on s’est laissé dire, à gauche, sur la pandémie de covid
- Géorgie : résister aux régimes autoritaires et impériaux
- Faire l’Europe Fédérale, avec l’Ukraine (contre le DOGE d’hier et d’aujourd’hui)
- Le partage du sensible
- Quelques réflexions sur la rhétorique “anti-communautaire”